About Us


Everything you need to know about Skyfall

We are a Boutique located at No.5 main street Gorey. 

We were established in May 2014.

New arrivals drop; weekly to keep up with the latest trends and styles. 

We pride ourselves on having exclusivity of brands such as Freddy Wr.Up and Tiffosi Jeans alongside our other popular brands which include Minueto, Archie Love and In Vogue Paris. 


 Social Platforms 

We always love keeping our loyal customers up to date with our latest arrivals and offers in-store, we strive to achieve this by updating our social platforms constantly so that it allows our customers to see what is in-store instantly. 

To keep up to date with us follow us on the following:
Facebook: /Skyfallclothing
Instagram: @Skyfallclothing 
Snapchat: Skyfallgorey